Out of the 149 households in North Libertyville Estates (NLE), we currently have approximately 16 households in our voluntary association, North Libertyville Estates Community Association (NLECA). The association ensures an independent voice in township issues when necessary and continued status in unincorporated Libertyville. A few of the NLECA board endeavors include:
Board Member Election and Appointment results:
A discussion took place regarding the dissolution of the North Libertyville Estates Community Association (NLECA) due to the lack of interest and participation by the North Libertyville Estates (NLE) community.
Dan Herchenbach - stated that if the association is dissolved, all common areas will revert to the management of Lake County. Lake County would then have the option to clean up or upgrade the open space and pass the cost onto the NLE community.
Without NLECA being intact, there is also the possibility of annexation by the Village of Libertyville. The tax rate in the Village of Libertyville is significantly higher than that of homes in unincorporated Libertyville and annexation would result in an increase in real estate taxes within NLE.
Dissolution of NLECA was scrapped due to these possible adverse consequences.
Board Member
Andrew Warrington - will call Lake County Department of Storm Water Management for information and assistance regarding the restoration of the pond.POND AREA needs continuous maintenance, a date for a community pond Cleanup was set. To create interest and participation in this cleanup, hot dogs and/or hamburgers and nonalcoholic drinks will be served at the pond on cleanup day. This is a good opportunity to meet your neighbors while beautifying your community.
Volunteers are needed to help remove cattails from the winter frozen pond during the 2015-2016 winter. It is hoped that removal of the seed bearing portion of the cattails will help curtail propagation of the plants. The feasibility of herbicide use to kill off the remaining cattails will be investigated. Cattails must be dead for 3 to 4 years before the pond loses its wetland status. Once the pond is not considered a wetland, the pond can be reconfigured for recreational use.
The Army Corp of Engineers shall be notified that the height of the berm surrounding NLE has possibly diminished due to settling. A plan for restoration to a protective level needs to be created if the berm has settled resulting in greater flood potential for the NLE community.
Emerald Ash trees along the berm and around the pond have continued to be attacked and killed by the Emerald Ash Borer. Kathleen O’Connor will be contacted to determine who is responsible for the removal of the dead/dying trees. These trees present a hazard to the community residents and community property.
COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION will continue. Flowers and planting will be done by Kevin Mach and Lori Harper. Rohn Hebel has continued to offer landscaping services to NLE of the common areas. Thank you Kevin, Lori and Rohn.
SPRING CLEAN UPwill NOTbe provided by the township this season. With advanced notice, one large item may be placed at curbside each week for pick up by your waste management company. The township provides tree trimming and removal, common space maintenance, and snow and litter removal in NLE. Road maintenance, signage repair, replacement, or removal are on his agenda. The township welcomes community suggestions which can be made by phone (847-362-3350) or through the Libertyville Township website libertyvilletownship.us/.