We have an electronic option! Venmo! Click here to send dues to Colleen Pragalz via venmo:
@cpragalz (Last four digits 5239 if requested)
In comment, please include household name and address.
Last year a small group of warriors did an incredible job cleaning up the pond. You can still see the imapct. A huge shout-out to Ryan Hebel, Oscar Riverra, Kevin Mach, Colleen Pragalz and our Saturday crew for their efforts!
There's still work to do on the backside of the pond and also we need to address the two fallen trees. We need your help, guys! Please Joind us for whatever time you can offer on either May 18th or May 25th. We will be there from 11-4:00pm.
Libertyville Township (847-962-3350) has Clarke spray when West Nile is detected. There's still work to do on the backside of the pond and also we need to address the two fallen trees. We need your help, guys! Please Join us for whatever time you can offer on either May 18th or May 25th. We will be there from 11-4:00pm.
Mosquito dunks are available at the Township office for free or available for purchase at Walmart and Ace Hardware. They can be place in standing water near or around your home.
The berm is maintained by Lake County Public Works (847-377-7500) It protects us from the devastating floods which we've experienced in the past. The ber was donated by the homeowners to protect our neighborhood. Please be respectful of these homeowners and their property adjacent to the berm. For that reason:
Now more than any other time of year, nicer weather brings everyone out to bike, walk dogs, and excercise, and our streets are busy! Please be cautious, abide by the 25mi/hr speed limit (or less) and pay attention when driving through our neighborhood.
Also, know your neighbors! We have a bunch of wonderful new neighbors! Get to know them and their cars and help be another set of eyes for safety and security in our community.
The easement of approximately 235 feet between the levee toe area and resident properties surrounding the subdivision are owned by the Forest Preserve. Residents may not have stucturs or debris in this areas. If it is the Forest Preserve's land, they are threatening fines if anything in on their property, for example, sheds, swing sets, fire pits or wood piles. Please remove them to avoid ticketing.
Though the NLECA does not promote individual businesses we do pass along tips if brought to our attention. Wm, Schwartz & Co. flood insurance at a lower rate than FEMA.
Our yearly effort to clean the pond, especially last year's massive effort, helps to clean up invasive plants, reduce mosquitos and other insects. Research is still on-going to find a solution to fix the drain to allow more water to fill the pond with the hopes of drowning the invasive cattails. Ryan Hebel has been working hard to find solutions to these issues. If you want to help, reach out to a board member to get involved!
Remember, please refrain from dumping yard waste or anything else in the pond. It contributes to the destruction of the pond. Thank you to those neighbors who make an effort to keep the area clean and mowed!
Let's grow our email database. We have a new centralized email address.
If you haven't already joined our website, send an email to nleca48@yahoo.com Please include:This will be another way to get the word out for events, news, or any other noteworthy changes like when the water was off especially for those not on social media. Thank you!